

Clipboard tool

If you need to copy and paste a large number of text or pictures, then choose us. The software supports one-click copy and paste content to the clipboard.

Clipboard tool

If you need to copy and paste a large number of text or pictures, then choose us. The software supports one-click copy and paste content to the clipboard.

Copy data by using the copy data tool

2023年12月4日 — Create an Azure Data Factory and then use the copy data tool to copy data from one location in Azure Blob storage to another location.

Looking for RoboCopy GUI and RichCopy

2022年12月17日 — Microsoft used to put out a free utility called RoboCopy GUI that helped setting up the parameters for robocopy and made it easier to copy/paste ...

Microsoft RichCopy

Microsoft RichCopy is a free utility for copying large numbers of files over the network. It's optimized for speed and supports a wide range of useful features, ...

Microsoft RichCopy 4.0.211

2009年10月14日 — Microsoft RichCopy is a multi-threaded copying tool that can speed up file copy and cancel in Windows Vista and Windows 7.


RichCopy is a file copy utility program developed by Ken Tamaru of Microsoft Corporation, discontinued in 2010. It is multi-threaded, which permits it under ...


2012年8月3日 — RichCopy is a free utility that comes to us from Ken Tamaru of Microsoft. The tool was first developed in 2001 and has been updated ...


2023年11月11日 — Reference article for the robocopy command, which copies file data from one location to another.

介紹好用工具:RichCopy (檔案複製與備份的絕佳工具) 分享

2009年4月18日 — 如下圖綠色框線的部分,預設應該是不用調整,這裡可以決定同時間用多少Thread 進行檔案複製,甚至File copy 選項還可以設定「單一檔案同時幾個Thread 進行 ...